Final Overview of Reading and Writing class and Farewell Words

 I'm aware of all English knowledge's benefits. I've tried and improved these abilities while talking to my classmates and traveling to other countries, where most people don't understand Spanish, so I have to speak English. Even though I've learned this beautiful second language my entire life, in the last three years all the growth and proficiency developed are attributable to Ms. Heysa's knowledge and her innovative ways of teaching the Reading and Writing class.

For instance, she was always ready to answer questions, she knew about teaching a complex lesson, but she made a few modifications for all students to be able to excel and apply this knowledge to daily life.

Finally, I just want to say Thank you to everybody, but especially to Miss Heysa. Reading and Writing class was merely a lovely class, it allowed me to explore a whole new world of ideas where I can expand my knowledge, but most remarkably, now I can strongly rely on my Reading and Writing skills.


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